With 40 years of experience and continuous improvement, first through the Centrale Etudes Forum and the Supélec Forum, the CentraleSupélec Forum has become a leading recruitment event, with the main objective of satisfying both companies and students. Thus, start-ups and SMEs and large groups, and students from first to last year - a total of about 3000 students - show their confidence in us at each iteration of the Forum, materialized by the ISO 9001 quality certification.

Our mission is to represent all sectors of the professional world (Voir notre brochure). Les 200 entreprises invitées seront disposées dans des stand à Porte de Versailles à Paris et pourront échanger avec les étudiants sur d’éventuelles opportunités professionnelles.


A unique experience

Le forum regroupe chaque année 3000 étudiants de CentraleSupélec réunis à Porte de Versailles pendant une journée.

Plus de 200 entreprises avec lesquelles échanger

200 companies from around the world covering various sectors

Potential internships and job offers

Each year, companies offer internships, end-of-study internships, execution internships...


Come with your resume

Bien se renseigner sur l’entreprise

Prepare your questions in advance and your expectations of the company

Come and talk to the representative alone

Be ready to shark


Le Forum CentraleSupélec 2024 aura lieu pour la quinzième fois le mercredi 13 Novembre 2023 de 9h à 17h au Parc des Expositions de Porte de Versailles.

No, we are sorry but the Forum is exclusively reserved for CentraleSupélec students (students, PhD students, Masters, Specialized Masters and alumni).

Student catering is provided on site. Don't forget to buy your tickets in advance ...

Des navettes sont prévues depuis les 3 campus de CentraleSupélec. Un parking payant est disponible sous Porte de Versailles.

The nearest metro station is Porte de Versailles de la ligne 12.